Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Archie Series

Veronica at 32

At 222 Canyon Road Beverly Hills
Ronnie lies poolside sipping a non-fat banana daiquiri
She is wearing those high heeled plastic mules
where you can see each carefully painted toenail.
In the white light of the Los Angeles sunshine
her metallic bikini shimmers.

Under her wraparound Ray Ban sunglasses
She dreams of Riverdale - cool summer evening
Her red convertible, top down
and Archie, his hands cupping her breasts,
his hair a plume of prairie fire,
riffling in the breeze.


Anonymous said...

I want to read the Jughead poem again too. Powder Puff's Archie series rocks.

Anonymous said...

Hey there!

I just LOVE this poem! You've grabbed me and set me down smack dab in a languid hot afternoon in LA-La Land and I don't wanna come back! And that last part?...about remembering how Archie's hands cupped her breasts and the way his hair moves in the breeze...yeah, well, my husband is going to be ambushed the minute he walks in the door. Grrrrr!

Anonymous said...

Graphic and provactive, this poem read like a seductive comic book jumping off the page. I felt like it was in my hands and I was experiencing the images before my eyes in intense colour. And the high definition sexuality was intense, bringing a whole new level to Archie that never existed before. This, combined with the Western Canadian references, truly creates an incredible masterpiece. Breathtaking! I want to read more. Your writing is truly addictive, unique and a series of these poems should see more than a few eyes!